Saturday, October 07, 2006


US Healthcare

Caring for the Elderly

Came across an interesting story relating to people older than 110 years. Apparently a group of researchers have set up a Supercentenarian Center. As people live longer, it would certainly be useful to know how to care for them in their later years to ensure that they have a good life.

The US certainly seems to have huge problems in caring for its growing population of the elderly. In September, a study report published by Evercare (a provider of health plans for people who have chronic illnesses) talks about the downward health spiral in the case of caregivers. The US has 44 million caregivers, and the stress and worry of caregiving is leading many of them to neglect their own physical and mental health, resulting in depression, extreme fatigue, poor eating and exercise habits and greater use of medications. Caregivers who were surveyed were receptive to support services that could help them save time, reduce stress, manage
their own health more effectively or provide them with caregiving expertise.

Indian families too are increasingly having to care for elders who live a lot longer, but it is my guess that they will manage this without suffering the downward health spiral, because such support systems already exist. Is there a way for India to play a role in caring for the elderly in the US ?

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