Sunday, August 27, 2006


Healthcare Logistics

Blending IT and Logistics with Healthcare

The Thyrocare story is fascinating. Here is a company that has effectively blended IT and Logisitics with Healthcare to emerge a leading player in the laboratory testing business. Building on the idea that by collecting samples from a much larger universe and testing them at a central laboratory where major investments could be made in equipment, Thyrocare has managed to redefine the laboratory business in India, and grow revenues to Rs.30 Crores.

Hospitals have always perceived diagnostic labs as not just revenue generators, but extremely profitable activities as well. Because of which most large hospitals set up their own labs and spent time and effort to drive sample volumes (in addition to demand from their own patients). Thankfully companies like Metropolis Labs and Thyrocare are changing the rules of the game, and one gets to hear of hospitals outsourcing their labs to companies like these.

Dr.A.Velumani, CEO of Thyrocare seems confident about growing this business and diversify into diagnostics as well.

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